Ranebennur Blackbuck Sanctuary is a forest area in Rahutana Katte area of Ranebennur taluk in Haveri district of Karnataka state. A forest area is made to protect the deer.
Ranebennur Blackbuck Sanctuary is about 307 km from Bangalore and 121 km from Hubli. And it is 42 km away from Haveri city. It is 08 km from Ranebennur city by road, 09 km from Ranebennur railway station.
Ranibennur Blackbuck Sanctuary was established on 17 June 1974 and declared as a wildlife sanctuary. Ranebennur Blackbuck Sanctuary is a 119 sq km area which was declared as a sanctuary mainly for the protection of blackbucks. It includes unconnected parts on the east and west route. The sanctuary has a core zone of 14.87 sq km and a buffer-com tourism zone of 104.13 sq km. The area is mainly covered with scrub forest and eucalyptus plantations. Agricultural fields surround this sanctuary.
The Ranebennur Blackbuck Sanctuary is also home to the highly endangered Great Indian Bustard and the wolf. However, around 2002, the Great Indian Bustard (Erebhuta, Erladdu and Herihakki in Kannada) was not found in the sanctuary. Blackbucks can be seen between October and March, while bustards are seen from February to June. Blackbucks are abundant, with over 6000 counted in the 2005 census. Karnataka is home to around 10000 blackbucks. Most of them are located in Ranebennur in Haveri district. While there are 7000 blackbucks in Ranebennur, the total number of blackbucks in the two protected areas of Madhugiri in Tumkur district is 550.
Ranebennur Blackbuck Sanctuary is divided into three blocks. Hulati, Hunasikatti and Alageri for administrative purposes. It has an area of 14.87 sq km and a buffer zone of 104.13 sq km in which tourists are allowed.
Until 1956 the native flora consisted mainly of Acacia, Catechu, Prosopis juliflora, Dodonia viscosa and Cassia auriculata. In an effort to increase the vegetation in the area, Eucalyptus and some indigenous species were planted here. Today, the upper canopy there is dominated by eucalypts, along with some Hardwickia, binata and Albizia amara. Acacia, Catechu, Prosopis juliflora, Dodonia viscosa, Acaxia sundra, Zizyphus mauritiana, Lantana camara, Randia sp and Cassia auriculata including the western part has more open scrubland. Cassia fistula, Neem, Holoptelia integrifolia, Madhuca indica, Ficus sp. And bamboo is planted along the roads of the sanctuary.
The sanctuary is known for its population of blackbuck and wolf. Other mammals include wild boar, jackal, langur, porcupine, common mongoose, Bengal monitor rabbit and pangolin. Hyenas are also found in Harinigudda area of Ranibennur Sanctuary. Since the establishment of the sanctuary, the population of blackbucks has seen a steady increase. About 100 years ago the Great Indian Bustard, a large cursorial bird common in the short grass plains and semi-arid regions of the Indian subcontinent, was hunted indiscriminately and its habitat was destroyed, resulting in a sharp decline in its population. It came under strict protection in the 1970s. The highest estimate of bustard in the sanctuary is 14 birds. Apart from the Great Indian Bustard, the avifauna in the sanctuary includes peepal, sirkeer cuckoo, great gray bubbler, baybacked shrike and black drongo.