Anekonda is a historical place with rich history and archaeological importance located in Davangere, Karnataka state. Legend has it that army elephants were harnessed when Bettur was the capital, hence the name Anekonda.
Anekonda is 04 km from Davangere and about 04 km from Davangere railway station. is far away.
Anekonda is a complex of temples, a place for history lovers. The place Anekonda is said to have been quite a large city in the 11th and 12th centuries AD. This place was ruled by Chalukyas, Gandas, Uchchangirajas, Pandyas and Hoysala dynasties.
There are also inscriptions of these dynasties which prove the evidence of their rule at Anekonda. A flourishing town during the Hoysala dynasty, this is another historical place and attraction in Davangere.