
Uchchangidurga is located in the Vijayanagara district of Karnataka state, Uchchangidurga was ruled by the Madakari Nayakas of Chitradurga and is the site of the Uchchangemma temple. Uchchandidurga is the historical name of Davangere, the place was inhabited by the Pallavas, Kadambas and Vijayanagara Empire.

Uchchandidurga is 282 km from Bangalore, 25 km from Vijayanagar and Davangere is the nearest railway station.

Here on the full moon day of every month people gather to worship Ucchangemma. Dussehra or Navratri and Ugadi festivals are celebrated every year and thousands of devotees gather from all corners of Karnataka to witness the celebrations.

According to an inscription found at Anaji of the 4th century AD, a great battle took place at this place between the Pallava king Nanakkadas and the Kadamba king Krishnavarma. The latter suffered a heavy defeat at the hands of the Pallava king Vishnuvardha and Krishnavarma had to retreat to Banavasi. Later, the Chalukyas ruled and Uchchandidurga became the capital of the Pandyas.

Uchchandidurga defeated the Pandyas in the 12th century and the Hoysalas took charge of the region. King Vishnuvardhana defeated them in battle and he took charge of the strategic Uchchandidurga fort. After the fall of the Hoysalas the Vijayanagara rulers acquired and dominated the region and it was given to Nayakas to rule.

While Hanumappa Nayaka ruled first followed by Thimmanna Nayaka, Thimmanna Nayaka was considered a brave and courageous soldier. He is said to have ridden a horse into the enemy camp, earning him instant recognition from the Vijayanagara emperor. He was asked to lead an army against the Sultan of Gulbarga. He succeeded in defeating the Bahmani Sultans. In recognition of his achievement he was given the charge of Uchchandidurga.

However, he abducted a courtesan of the Vijayanagara kingdom and incurred the Emperor’s wrath. He escaped to Miyakonda and then to the jungles of Guntur. He was finally forced to surrender to the Emperor’s forces at Rangapatnam and imprisoned in the Chitradurga fort for his treason.

But an inscription found at Chikkanayakanahalli before 1177 AD mentions that Ballala II went on a conquest tour, defeated the Pandya king and settled at Uchchangi as his capital.

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