Jayamangali Blackbuck Conservation Reserve is located in Maidanahalli, Madhugiri Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka State. The region is a part of the plains of the Deccan Plateau in Karnataka. Blackbuck is found in abundance in this area.
Jayamangali Blackbuck Conservation Reserve is 118 kilometers from Bangalore. It is 60 km from Tumkur district and 47 km from Madhugiri taluk.
September to December is the best time to visit Jayamangali Blackbuck Reserve.
The best time to visit this conservation reserve is daily from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm and the entry fee is Rs.100/- per person and camera fee is fixed at Rs.50/-.
In 1992, the jurisdiction of this area was transferred to the Revenue Department. The area was proposed to be declared a conservation reserve in 1997 and was finally declared a reserve in 2007. Out of 993 acres in this area, 893 acres have been declared as conservation reserves.
There are 26 species of reptiles and 14 species of snakes. There are 125 bird species in this reserve, apart from the blackbuck, 67 different butterflies and mammals have been found in the area.